A commercial building metal siding installation by John Kenyon, in Hamilton, Ontario.

Building Owner? Get it done right the first time

We’re here to make your life easier.

The first way we do this is by being responsive. Receive an prompt response from real people. In case of an emergency, nothing will give you more peace of mind than knowing that experts are ready to respond.

5-year, no-leak warranty

Our extended warranty on all new metal wall cladding and metal roofing projects gives you peace of mind.

More reasons to choose Kenyon

Small repairs, big renovations or additions

Call on Kenyon for installation of metal roofing and siding on your new building, renovation or addition. Simple or complex, Kenyon will do it right.

When it comes to repairs, from locating and repairing a metal roofing leak to repairing metal siding damaged by high winds or impact, Kenyon will deliver consistently excellent service and quality.

Enjoy the convenience of dealing with one company for both new and maintenance jobs. As you gain more buildings, it’s a relief to know that Kenyon is capable of servicing your growing needs.

We want your long-term business

We work hard to earn our customers’ trust. As a result, our customers keep coming back. Take comfort in knowing that your needs are a priority and that you will be taken care of.

Free assessment

Ask for a free assessment and inspection of building facilities. We can provide you with maintenance and repair recommendations and a schedule to help you budget and plan.